About Ideas Incubator
The Ideas Incubator aims to promote meaningful youth engagement, greater social cohesion, and sustainable, community-led change in the water sector. The Ideas Incubator is designed to catalyze cooperations and help advance ideas of projects and/or organizations from around the world that are tackling water issues.
Periodically the Ideas Incubator will define a water-related challenge, where individuals below 35, youth projects and/or youth organizations are encouraged to submit their ideas to solve it. The challenge will be open for idea proposals for a defined period of me. There is a wealth of knowledge available through the sources of the Research Lab to help with developing ideas.
Our world is facing water threats that overstep borders and cultures, therefore we think a challenge facing those issues on a collaborative platform is needed to demand our collective action, cooperation, and best thinking.
The prize will vary depending on the challenge (see challenge details), though our aim is to provide funding application advisors, crowdfunding support, consultants, invitations to conferences, and money for successful ideas
We look forward to hearing your ideas!