by hydrotropic | Jul 25, 2020 | Best Practices, Disaster Risk Reduction, Water Sanitation & Hygiene
This report aims to inform water system managers on the importance of and measures to build the resilience of water service provision to natural hazards and climate risks while ensuring that water systems can safeguard service provision by reducing their exposure to...
by hydrotropic | Jul 25, 2020 | Best Practices, Disaster Risk Reduction
This Knowledge Note explores the role of green infrastructure solutions in urban flood risk management. Green infrastructure solutions represent an approach that focuses on using natural processes for managing wet weather impacts while delivering environmental,...
by Ignacio | Jul 24, 2020 | Best Practices, Cooperation Agencies, Disaster Risk Reduction, Governments & Institutions, Innovation, Integrated Water Resources Management
The aim is to highlight the pressing water challenges Europe faces and to set out key actions required to get rid of the challenges...
by Ignacio | Jul 24, 2020 | Best Practices, Cooperation Agencies, Disaster Risk Reduction, Governments & Institutions, Innovation
The launch of ACRE aims to bring together business people, policy makers and to build climate resilient infrastructures....
by Veronica | Jul 24, 2020 | Best Practices, Disaster Risk Reduction, Governments & Institutions, Scientific Resources
Available Approaches and Policy Recommendations...
by Tri Utami Handayaningsih | Jul 24, 2020 | Academic Institutions, Best Practices, Cooperation Agencies, Courses, Data-Tools, Disaster Risk Reduction, early warning system, Funding, Governments & Institutions, Impact Investors, Innovation, Jobs, News, Opportunities, Projects, Scientific Resources, Stakeholders, Upcoming events
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) is an autonomous international organization that works to build the resilience of people and institutions to disasters and climate change impacts in Asia and the Pacific. Established in 1986, it provides comprehensive...